This Signal chatroom operates under the following guidelines, many of which are similar to in-person Heart Circle:
- this is a safe space to speak & share what you wish
- this is a space for active listening without judgement
- what’s spoken here, stays here
- we utilize double confidentiality in Heart Circle spaces: if you want to talk with someone about their Heart Circle share, ALWAYS seek consent to discuss the topic first
One major difference from “IRL”
You may share whenever your heart calls, or put out a call for a circle and live group call or text / voice chat at a predetermined time set by you! (Do be aware of the technical difficulties that can arise from video calls.)
When You’re Listening
- we do not offer written or recorded responses to those who share, outside of the phrase – “I invite you all to take a deep breath with me” or similar
- to avoid confusion, we allow ONLY the following emoji reactions to statements: 🫂; 🐍; 🫰🏻; any heart emoji
- “tssss” – our passionate faerie response of shared joy/ appreciation/ resonance may be expressed with the snake emoji 🐍 or snaps 🫰🏻
- you’re invited to stay in virtual Heart Circle as long as you’d like and leave as needed; if you depart, please exit quietly, no need for explanation
When Sharing
- sharing is optional, don’t feel pressured to do so
- please use “I” statements (“I feel, I think, I saw…”)
- you may voice record or write out what you have to share (both are encouraged for accessibility, but not required)
- if writing, please ‘double enter’ between sentences to break up the text for legibility; multi-messaging is absolutely permissible
- please indicate when you are done with /End (or similar), or “I invite you to take a deep breath with me” or similar.